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Meet some of our riders who tell why they cycle with us


What was you level of cycling ability/experience and general fitness before you joined BER?
I started cycling 2 1/2 years ago, after I had a small stroke. Doing short rides along The Flitch Way and around where I live. Not having the confidence to go far on my own.

What made you join BER? How long have you been a member?
I joined BER in May 2016, after seeing them out one Wednesday morning while in my car. I hoped that joining a group would give me more confidence and improve my fitness.

What was the most challenging ride you've done and why? What helped you get through it?
The normal Wednesday rides are 18-20 miles which I enjoy. The longer rides we do are 35-40 miles which are a challenge for me as I had not ridden that far before. The first one I did I was a little worried but everyone was so encouraging, it made me want to try them and I was so pleased that I did.
The Thaxted ride was the most challenging. It was a very hot day and on the way back going up a long hill, I starting thinking I could not make it. But cycling in a group everyone is there for each other to help you through with words of encouragement and enabled me to carry on.

What do you enjoy about cycling with BER?
I enjoy getting out on my bike and riding to lots of different places. Everyone is so friendly and if you have a problem there is always someone willing to help you.
I am going on one of the weekend's away this year with BER. I am looking forward to something new.

What more would you like BER to do?
I am happy with the rides as they are. I feel that they cover everyone's experience levels.


What was you level of cycling ability/experience and general fitness before you joined BER?

I have always cycled from an early age, but never any distance. I have played many sports and have always been relatively fit.

What made you join BER? How long have you been a member?

While shopping in Braintree on a Wednesday I spotted the group assembling outside the Conversative club, after about the third week I decided to ask what they did! I have been cycling with the group for a year now.

What was the most challenging ride you've done and why? What helped you get through it?

In 2016 the group went to Norfolk, I have never cycled two days back to back like this before and found it very challenging, it was mainly the group which got me through the second day I think if I had been on my own I may have not attempted it.

What do you enjoy about cycling with BER?

I enjoy cycling with BER because I enjoy cycling as a group and everyone seems to get on so well.

What more would you like BER to do?

From my own point of view I would like the format to remain the same with the odd challenge thrown in.

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