Rear of the Year Award 27/11/2024
I’ll start today, with a health & safety observation seen when riding up Fairfield Road behind Andy P and Jim D. On a day when rain...
Plenty of Punctures 13/11/2024
It was a mild, damp day with plenty of Easy Riders departing on Ian’s Long Ride, Ann’s medium and Steve’s short ride. Health & safety tip...
Riding in the Cold and Damp 06/11/2024
Plenty of Easy Riders turned up at Weavers Park, on a deceptively cold, damp, still day. Gifford and Andy C took the long group to the...
The Last Extended Ride of the Year 30/10/2024
The last ride of each month during the summer (ending in October) is an extended ride for the medium and long groups. This week the...