Red Knees in the Sunlight 23/08/2023
Easy Riders assembled in Weavers Park as usual. Sun cream was liberally applied by me, but I missed my knees, so by the time I got home,...

The Snug 16/08/2023.
The Easy Riders assembled as usual, from 0915, in Weavers Park. The Long Ride pedalled off at 0930, followed by the Medium Ride at 0945,...

Punctures on the way to Petersfield Village 09/08/2023
As ride leader, I had an inauspicious start to the day. My Red Thorn bike had a flat tyre on the back wheel! Drat! Fortunately, I have...

‘Wednesday’ Longer Rides 26/07/2023.
On the last Wednesday of the month, the long ride increases to c40 miles, and the medium ride extends to 30 miles. The short ride...