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Not so much BBC Repair Shop, more BER Repair Team! 28/02/2024

The weather being dry and mild, after all the rain, meant 33 Easy Riders turned up for this Wednesday’s ride.

The medium group pedalled down towards Leez Priory, picking up Ann at Willows Green. Just before Leez Priory entrance, Bill B punctured. Four of us remained with Bill, offering team assistance, advice, and spare kit, while the rest of the group pedalled on to The Stores. It turned out Bill had picked up a bit of flint in his tyre, as the section we’d just ridden had been extensively flooded recently, distributing gritty debris all over the road.

Health & safety tip for the day comes from Gavin. He’s very much in favour of a flashing red light on the back of your bike as it increases your visibility to traffic from the rear, including in fine weather, when riding in and out of deep shadows cast by trees.

The Stores did us proud. A little 93-year-old lady stopped for a chat with Ian and the rest of his table, while she was waiting for her meal to be served. Some gentle ribbing and friendly conversation appeared to be taking place, so a good time was had by all.

We pedalled back via Great Shaws, with Steve B telling us about Suzi Quattro’s house being visible from our route (although it was not the one, I thought it was!). From Hornells Corner we dispersed either via The Green Dragon or back through Rayne.

23 miles, average 9mph.

Cathy MacTaggart


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