Listening to Blackcaps 24/05/2023
Easy Riders started assembling in Weavers Park from 0900, departing at 0930, 0945 and 1000 as usual. The medium group split into two, 7...

Spurs Legends Game Wednesday17/05/2023
The Easy Riders departed in their usual style from Weavers Park at 0930, 0945 and 1000. It was a cold morning but soon warmed up. The...

Easy Riders Halesworth Holiday Day 3 Ride 11/05/2023
Our third day of riding headed to Southwold. It was a day forecast to have intense thundery showers, and if you look at the photos,...

Easy Riders Halesworth Holiday Day 2 Ride 10/05/2023
Today’s ride was to Minsmere via Dunwich. Another day when sunshine and thundery showers were forecast, but none materialised. We...

Easy Riders Halesworth Holiday Day 1 Ride 09/05/2023
About 20 Easy Riders assembled at Halesworth, Old Hall Cottages on Monday 8 May. Some of us had a quick 10-mile scoot around the local...

Bluebells are in season! 03/05/2023
Easy Riders assembled in Weavers Park as usual for the 0930, 0945 and 1000 start times for the long, medium, and short rides. The medium...

Cold Start, Bright Finish 19/04/2023
As I rode up the Flitch Way to join the Easy Riders, I decided my health & safety tip for the day would be to keep your helmet cover in a...

A Brilliant Spring Day 12/04/2023
It was a fantastic day for a bike ride, bright, clear, and sunny, with a bit of a gusty wind. I’d been feeling a wuss, with a sore hand...