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A blustery day to go to Snug Café 31/01/2024

There were plenty of riders keen to go out and ride on a cool and blustery day.  Long and medium groups went to the Snug and the short group went to Wood Cottage in Felsted. 


As we pedalled through Great Notley, it was an unexpected delight to see our illustrious Chairman, Chris McCann.  He’s not been riding recently, while awaiting surgery.  But today’s news from him was that he’d had his surgery, came through it with robust good health and is now dedicating himself to his physio and exercise to get back to full strength.  He’d already walked one mile further than the previous day.  I was delighted that he looked in fine fettle. 


My group rode optimally – remaining in sight of each other but spread out so traffic could pass easily.  Health & safety tip for the day was shared as we rode along – I pointed out exactly where the ice forms on the road at the top of the hill in Littley Green.  Local residents are fed up of people skidding on the ice and parking their cars in the pond at the side of the road. 


It was cold, pedalling into a stiff headwind, particularly from Howe Street to Pleshey.  We were glad and relieved to arrive at Snug Café.  As there were about 20 of us in both long and medium groups, we staggered our arrival and managed not to overwhelm the café.


We pedalled back via Onslow Green and up the hill to Felstead, benefitting from a marvellous tailwind. 


26 miles.  Average 9.9mph – 7.9mph on the way out and 11.5 on the way back!

Cathy MacTaggart


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