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Easy Riders head to Dainteas Tea Room, High Roding 31/08/2022

There were nearly 40 Easy Riders who set off on the three rides today – Long and short rides went to Gosfield Antiques, and the medium ride went to Dainteas Tea Room, High Roding.

Prior to setting off, Tim (Long Ride Lead) gave a clear set of safety instructions – riders are not to ride off the front of the group; are to remain on the route planned by the Ride Leader; and follow the Ride Leaders’ instructions. Last week there was some non-compliant riding which led to a near-miss. No repeats please!

The medium ride of about 18 riders went out along the Flitch Way, and gained 3 more riders at Rayne. Peter S split the group into two and we went round Mill Lane to avoid the gravel on the A120 bridge. We then followed the Flitch Way all the way to Dunmow. We pedalled to the Dainteas Tea Room, where another ride group (Breeze) also turned up.

I love the diverse conversations of the Easy Riders. Today’s conversation with Mark, was about Delia Smith. He loved the way, some years ago, she had been hollering at the Norwich City football supporters, to get behind their (her) team, especially as her TV image was so prim and proper. We also debated friction between various celebrity chefs – and how they show it. Notably, Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall named his breeding sow ‘Delia’.

I can’t say that I’d find that flattering! And on a positive note, Delia introduced Sister Wendy (art historian) to television, which enabled Sister Wendy to earn an income for her Norfolk based convent. Apparently Delia was a volunteer driver for the convent, and when Sister Wendy had a series of hospital appointments, they became friends. The TV crews loved Sister Wendy – she was always thoroughly prepared and became known as ‘One Take Wendy’.

Having ridden out on the Flitch Way, Peter led us back along the quiet roads south of the A120. An excellent ride, with Gifford and Mark providing extra support as we divided into two groups. A bright and breezy day in excellent company.

28 miles. Average speed 10.1mph.

Cathy MacTaggart


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