BER 10th Anniversary Ride 05/07/2023

On a rain threatened morning, our riders assembled as normal at Weavers Park. Today was going to be a little different. The café destination for all was Gosfield Lake Resort where we would all meet for our 10th Birthday celebratory get-together.
This was my first ride following a shoulder injury some 6 weeks earlier! It was going to be challenging for me as Gosfield seems to be situated on the hillier side of Braintree.
I joined the Short Ride and we promptly left at 10am. Our anti-clockwise route took us out of Braintree via Church Street (Bocking hill), 0.92 miles of climbing effort. After a brief stop for drinks and a change of jackets, we were soon in the countryside via Rayne Hatch Wood and then cycled on familiar undulating roads to Gosfield.
Luckily, the weather was clear with a 14.2 mi/hr westerly wind and a humid 14°C. and, the rain held off until just before we arrived.
Slightly damp, we joined the early arrivals and joined the queue for food and drinks. The café proprietor seemed to cope well with the long queue, efficiently serving much needed tea, coffee, bacon baps and sandwiches. Two enormous Victoria cakes were on prominent display on the counter. These had been organised by Ann and were decorated on top with strawberries and the BER logo. Yummy!
Looking round, it was fantastic to see such a large turnout. It was particularly nice that a number of founding and retired riders were present. It was great to meet up and chat with friends, both old and new. As an additional surprise, Mick Palmer joined us from Australia via Zoom; a smartphone was handed round and many of us had an opportunity to say a few words or to wave hello.
Originally started as a Community Cycling project, Braintree Easy Riders has transitioned into the special club we now recognise. Chairman Chris McCann briefly reminded us of the club’s history. It was then time for everyone to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ and for Ann to have the honour of cutting the cake.
After consuming the delicious cake, it was time for the ride groups to depart. We safely returned to Braintree via Beazley End and a few more hills.
16.5 miles at 9.5 mi/h average speed
Lawrence Smith